Sunday, March 27, 2011

Lazy Sunday

Today is just a lazy Sunday. I don't have anything to do, other than sitting around and watching shows. The main ones I'm watching now are 30 Rock and Naruto, the former at the suggestion of my wife and the latter at the suggestion of a coworker. I'm liking both quite a bit right now, but Naruto is a pretty big undertaking. There are something like 400 episodes altogether, so if I stick with it, it could take a while (or it could just take over my life for a while, like happened with Stargate).

I think there's less chance of that with Naruto, just because a new season of Doctor Who is starting on April 23rd.  Now I need to share how amazed I am with the autocomplete on my phone. When I typed "Doctor" with a capital "D", it suggested "Who" as the next word, and when I typed April followed by "2", it knew that Doctor Who premieres on April 23rd! Almost creepy...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Middle of the night

It's the middle of the night, and I'm wide awake. I feel pretty tired, but every time I close my eyes, I start to think about my vacation in a week, or my haircut tomorrow or I wonder what happens next in the series I started watching on Netflix a couple days ago. And now I'm thinking that blogging on my phone is great practice for the touch screen. G'nite!

Twitter babies

If anyone is reading this, know that I think I have convinced a friend to live tweet her labor. She just tweeted how odd if feels to have a numb torso.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Enblogginations Resume

Just discovered the Blogger app for my phone and thought I'd give it a try. Obviously, that's all this blog was two years ago, the last time I had a new phone, but we'll see what happens.