Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Internet Boredom

I was bored on the internet, and discovered that one of the many possible anagrams of my name is "Onscreen Strip Joust". Thought that would be a good name for a blog, so I changed the name. So that's that.

On an unrelated note, I should vent a little bit about a frustrating experience I had while playing World of Warcraft earlier today. I started a rogue, which is a class I haven't explored much, and was in Dun Morogh, the starting area for dwarfs and gnomes. My character is a gnome, by the way. Having just reached level 10, I was doing a couple quests in a quarry full of these ape-like fellows, when along came a level 60 human death knight, who asked if I wanted help. I said, "no thanks", and continued killing the monsters, or "mobs" as they are referred to by people who play. She then ran into this cave on the side of the quarry that was full of some slightly different ape-like fellows who I also had to kill. Just as I started targeting the creatures so I could fight them, she would kill them. I kept fighting the ones she didn't kill first, and I ended up pretty deep in the cave. When I tried to make my way back out, there were too many mobs near the entrance and I couldn't stay alive long enough to kill any of them. I got very frustrated and had to stop playing for a while. The moral of the story is this: If you play an online-game, and you have a high-level character, but spend your time in the starting area for low level characters, you are a dick...or in this case, a bitch.

That is all.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Boring afternoon

I'm having one of those afternoons where I don't really want to do much of anything. I spent the morning watching South Park episodes on Netflix, and then I played around with Google's mobile RSS reader. Then Anna came home as I was about to make myself some lunch because she has to go back into work tonight. We put in a Star Trek: Voyager that we have home from Netflix, and she dozed off.
Now she is asleep on the couch, and I can't decide if I should watch more South Park or maybe put in the Arrol Morris doc I have from Netflix about the pet funeral industry. Perhaps I should play WoW or read a book. Nothing sounds appealing. Maybe I will just sit here and watch her sleep...or is that creepy?
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Google Reader

I just set up the Google Reader. It's an RSS reader that you manage from a computer, but that can be accessed from your phone. I set it up with the blogs that I was reading the most frequently, those of Neil Gaiman, Wil Wheaton, and Warren Ellis. I will admit that this morning after setting up the reader, I have read more of their blogs that I had prior to today combined, but maybe it will inspire me to use this thing some more. We'll see.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Zombie Attack!

Currently, Twitter is suffering for a denial of service attack, which is leaving me with no outlet to express myself. Thus, I turn to my oft neglected blog.

Last night, I sent a tweet that any book or movie with vampires in it would be better it the vampires were zombies. I feel that I should elaborate on that with a few examples. Nearly everyone I know is not a teenage girl, so most of the people I know who have read "Twilight" didn't like it. The most common complaints I have heard involve bad prose, bad plot structure, and incredibly dumb characters. I don't have an opinion either way, because I have only read the sample chapter on the Barnes & Noble e-reader, but replacing the vampires with zombies fixes everything.

In "Zombie Twilight", Bella leaves sunny Arizona to live with her dad in cloudy Washington and is given a truck by him when she arrives. The next day, she drives to her new school. She goes to a few classes and meets some people, and then goes to lunch. Across the room, she make eye contact with a boy, a boy like no one she has ever seen. In fact, everyone at his table looks like him, with skin a putrid grey pallor, and dead eyes that never blink.
"Who is he?" Bella asks a girl whose name she has forgotten.
"That's Edward. Everyone tries to stay away from him."
Bella decides to go and introduce herself. Edward and his friends eat her.

Much shorter, no time for bad plots and derivative prose.

Here's the plot of Anna Rice's "Interview with the Zombie":
A writer goes into a room with a zombie and gets eaten.

I'm still thinking about the plot of "Zombie Dracula", but I think in that Dracula would be a necromancer, raising armies of the undead to raze London to the ground.

I hope Twitter starts working soon.

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