Thursday, April 16, 2009

Let's try this again

I got a new phone recently, one of those fancy ones that does the internet and all that sort of stuff. I started getting Twitter updates on my phone, and started sending them more frequently as well. The whole micro-blogging thing is kind of fun, so I thought I should give the actual blogging another shot as well.

I haven't been too successful with previous attempts at blogs, but I see that a lot of the people that I am following on Twitter have blogs, and looking at some of the posts, I realized that not every blog post has to be a Pulitzer Prize winning essay. Of course, I already knew that most aren't, but I have such high standards for myself. On Twitter, I saw links for well known bloggers, such as Wil Wheaton and Dooce, and saw that the key to a good blog was more of a doing it regularly type thing, and the good writing follows from that. That is true of any writing, but the point is to stick with it, and to post something pretty often.

There are plenty of things that I could blog about, especially now that I have seen what some of the most read blogs are doing. I often spend big chunks of time reading about whatever random thing catches my interest on the internet. If I just make myself post some links and write a little something about why whatever it was caught my fancy, then I will be on my way to having a serviceable blog.

To paraphrase Will Riker in Star Trek: First Contact, "Don't try to be a great blogger, just be a blogger and let the internet make its own judgments."

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